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Lost and Found: Back on track

By Angela Zonunpari

Back on track
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A few words that describe the seasons in Syracuse have made a significant impact on giving new a life to the bridges in the city.

The rail bridges in Syracuse, built almost 70 years ago, have been struggling to survive. While the New York Central bridge built during the Great Depression was replaced by I-690, the bridges near the west side of the city have held their ground. With the recent debates on the future on I-80 — which many believe divides the city — the fate of these rail bridges may also hang in balance.

In the last decade, there have been efforts to beautify and highlight these bridges with the help of art. Almost all bridges that run along the Westside now have graffiti art on them. Some have words that have intrinsic links to the people of Syracuse.

The artwork has made people notice these old bridges and it has, in a way, helped these bridges find their place in the city’s history and the society again.