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Lost and Found: Guarding lives, loving a lake

By Kathleen Rubino

Guarding lives, loving a lake
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On hot, sunny summer days, people swarm the beach at Green Lakes State Park near Fayetteville.

But one July day, the beach lost its sun and certain things along with it.

“On days like today it’s very slow and empty,” says Allison Peelle, Green Lakes Beach’s chief lifeguard.

But when the sun is shining, Peelle and her co-workers keep busy watching out for everyone.

“We oftentimes have missing children, so we need to find them,” Peelle said.

Peelle and fellow lifeguard Ryan Schiedo have found not just a livelihood, but also an escape to a beautiful place.

“My favorite part about this lake is that you’re so close to Syracuse, but this park really makes you feel so far away,” Schiedo says.