Lost and Found: Photographer finds joy
By Anita Xu
“I’ll never stop shooting for whatever reason. Till the last days,” said 44-year-old photographer Dan Westfall.
Determined as he is, Westfall has been shooting photographs since 1997. Photography has turned him from an introverted person to an extroverted one, he said.
A passionate traveler and history lover, Westfall is particularly interested in cemetery scenes, architecture and any scenes that are part of the “forgotten history.”
Westfall said that photography has brought him the great satisfaction of showing people the bigger world and art that is all around. Photography has “brought out the history teacher” in him.
Each summer, Westfall travels across the country to do shows, where his work is displayed and where he interacts with people who are interested in his work.
While more photographers are turning toward digital photography, Westfall still shoots with Kodak and Fuji films. This requires more investment, a higher level of sophistication and more production time.
He enjoys being in the dark room, and it brings satisfaction, he said.
Westfall says he has sacrificed for his art – he isn’t married and has no children. But he is at peace with his choices.
Westfall has self-published two books entitled “Obscure Destinations,” which demonstrate his journeys to Europe’s most unusual sculpture and architecture. Anyone interested can visit his personal website for more information.